2016-2020 : CIRCLE OF LIFE

A story in six triptychs

"What does it mean to be alive?"

As humanity we are part of a process of attraction and rejection, a continuous exchange of energy and information.

2014-2015 : HUMAN    

Seven portraits on the vulnerability of human rights.

"Ode to humanity"

The degree of humanity is not only determined by the power structures of institutions, religions or laws, but also by centuries old patterns that influence how we 'think', 'feel' and 'want'. 

2012-2013 : COLOUR of Life    

Six portraits in rainbow colors.

"Let there be light"

Nothing in life can flourish or grow without light. How you perceive the world around you and claim your territory in it, differs from person to person. Life changes who you are!

2011-2012 : A Home in Hungary   

Six paintings that portray our #lekehalom_house and the parallel to Hungarian history. 

"If bricks could talk"

Nation states were formed by wars of conquest. The composition of their population in constant change. Let's not look at what separates us, but to what connects us.

2008-2011 : The Art of Letting Go 

 Eight portraits A turning point.

"To change the world, start with yourself"

The search for 'letting go' started in 2008 with a painting of an insecure clown and was completed in 2011 with an exuberant jump into space.